

Workplace is a secure area for plot-holders where we can share and store garden information. For a walkthrough on signing up and setting up your Workplace account, please see the WorkPlace PDF Guide.

Community Hours

Volunteering at a work party

Each gardener must volunteer at least 8 hours each year to maintain his/her plot. Hours are tallied from November 1 – October 31. Please keep track of your community hours, whether that is watering the community beds, joining a work party, or working on one of the teams. Keep in mind that family members, friends, or coworkers can volunteer on your behalf; their hours will count towards your total! Check Workplace or our Get Involved page for opportunities to volunteer.

As of July 2020, community hours will be tracked through your P-Patch account online. Log in to your account on the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods website. Click on “Log hours for garden” to add your name and the date, location, task, and hours worked.

Your online account is also where you can update your contact information, submit a request to P-Patch staff, and pay your renewal fee.

Support UpGarden

Giving tree

Looking for more ways to support UpGarden besides volunteering?
Check the Giving Tree for small tools or supplies you can buy for the tool shed.
Take advantage of company matching for donations or volunteer hours. The Give page explains how to donate online.